Sunday, August 9, 2015

Class Expectations

What qualities do good teachers, students and classes embody?  What expectations do you have of yourself, of Smith, and of this class?  

Make sure to proofread your response, as well as comment and connect to one another's.


  1. The great qualities of a teacher is the understanding of the student. When the student sees that the teacher understands that student as well, as having the will to work with the student. The teacher that I dislike is the type of teacher that has no desire to work with a student on their problems. The greatest teachers are also fun teachers that do certain rewards for students when they do well. Teachers that have aids to help teach the class like audio and visual aids. This is more interesting to the class. To sum up Fun, Helpful, and Considerate. Now for student qualities. A student should be one that the teacher should have to call on every time they do something wrong. They should help each other out and reach out to others. They should always do the right thing. To sum up a student should be respectful, caring, helpful, and responsible. (I get if some of you think this is bologna.) On to class embody. I'll just put a list. The class should be respectful, understanding, encouraging to each other, as well as fun.
    Expectations of myself is that I want to get an A and to participate. From Mrs. Smith that this will be a fun class.

  2. I feel that good teachers, students, and classes embody good communication skills, respect, and having an open mind to new ideas presented by individuals within the class. I expect to challenge myself and improve my vocabulary as a writer. From Smith, I expect her to give me pointers to better my work but not to do it for me. From the class I expect for everyone to be accepting of each other and welcome everyone openly so that we are in a comfortable environment.

  3. The qualities of a good teacher include listening, caring and constructive. The qualities of a good student are hard working, dedicated, on time and respectful. A class should be respectful and hard working. I expect Mrs. Smith to give constructive criticism, to care and to be understanding. I expect myself work hard, turn things in on time and earn the best grade I can. I expect the class to be similar to a family, working together and building off of each other to be the best we can be.

  4. Good teachers and students embody enthusiasm and respect for one another. I think that its very teachers bring new teaching ideas in the classroom. I expect my self to have a successful year in the class with Smith and work hard on turning projects in and completing quality work.

  5. One of the most foundational parts of a classroom is respect. A good teacher knows how to respect their students enough that they are willing to help them, teach them, and trust them. A good teacher doesn't teach what they are expected to by the majority of the world- they should go outside the norm and teach what will be the most useful in a student's life. The only way for them to do that is for them to get to know each student, really know them, so that they can teach them individually. The same goes for a student, there has to be a level of respect for the authority, unless they step out of line; then there needs to be able to be a correction from the student. Students should be able to correct teachers as much as teachers correct their students. I expect that this year I will learn not only how to write a good college essay, but to learn things that I will use in my everyday life that go beyond a classroom. I expect Smith to be able to show me and the class respect and teach us those things on an individual basis.

    1. I think what you're trying to say here is that you want Smith to teach things you'll use in real life about how to be a good person, and such. I completely agree I think every teacher should give us something useful to take with us in life. Also, the respect thing really related to my post. I believe every good person needs to have respect for the world and people around them. It's important to have respect to maintain a good learning environment other wise people get distracted by their own egos. One more thing I have also noted sometimes authority crosses the line and does thing out of place, and use their power in evil ways, and I believe those are the times they need to be corrected.

  6. At AHS, we have this saying Warriors always take care of one another. I often find myself wondering what this means for not only myself caring for others, but for others, including teachers, genuinely caring for me. I know sometimes it's easy in a society filled with egos and high expectations to become a person other than ourselves. It's very easy to become someone who is carefree, and goes with the flow so to speak, but why not stand out and risk ruining our reputations (to societies standards) to care and reach out to others. I think that's what AHS's motto really means. It means caring and being kind to others, and giving our peers and teacher respect not because it's the cool thing to do because it is the right thing to do. I think this is my expectation of Smith, myself, and my peers. To put our egos aside, and break this stupid fad that generated from out of no where that being disrespectful is cool (like really who starts this junk?), and give each other the respect and kindness we all deserve. Respect is about working hard, and valuing Smith's time as a teacher, and be willing to do school work and spend a little extra time on the paper or project because she is putting the time in to care for us, help us grow as learners, and become better people. Good qualities of a class and of a teacher are caring, kindness, and respect for everything. and everyone if we could all just learn to work towards having these qualities our classroom and school could become better places. After all, Warriors always take care of one another.

    1. I agree with you. I think that our school motto says that because we need to take care of one another not because it's the popular thing to do (because it isn't) but because it's the thing we should be doing, the right thing

    2. I totally agree with having respect! That's such an important thing to have, especially in classes that don't meet every day, like this one, where time is very valuable. It's important to stay focused and engaged to get the most out of it as possible.

  7. The qualities of a good teacher is knowing that each student learns differently and have their own way of working through things. Good students go and try to learn and understand what they are being taught and if they don't get it they contact the teacher. A good class is being able to have fun, but can be serious when it is needed. My expectation for myself is to become a better writer and to understand books that I wouldn't normally read. My expectation for Ms. Smith is to have constructive criticism and to help me also improve. For the class, I think it would be best to have fun, but be able to get serious when it is needed.

  8. Good teachers understand that everyone has a different learning style, and try to cater to that, or at least leave room for the students to get help when they need it. It helps when a teacher genuinely cares about their kids but sometimes that's just a plus. Students need to try to put their best effort into their work although in reality this is high school and sometimes we have to prioritize. We should try to improve as a whole. A class should be able to come together to work with, critique, and encourage each other when it's most needed. I expect myself to try to improve my skills and do well in class, maybe make an attempt at not procrastinating quite as much. I hope that Smith will help me improve and continue building on skills. Our class should be like a team! We can have fun and enjoy ourselves, but when it's needed we can be serious and hard-working.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I do realize and agree that the qualities such as respect, kindness/caring, and everything my fellow students said in the posts above me are very important in a learning environment, but I also believe that there is no point in doing something if you don't enjoy doing it. Having been a student most of my life, I've found that what makes a great teacher, student, and classroom is passion. Passion to me is to truly believe in something; whether it be your students, assignments, or peers. The teacher HAS to possess passion in order to respect, listen, and help a student in need of their guidance; therefore resulting in a better or good student. That being said, it is not a one way street; students who hold this quality within or gained passion ARE great students and I believe that is what gives teachers the drive to keep on teaching. Both teachers and students will show growth in the end which reminded me of something Mrs. Pramenko said today: "You get what you give." Passion is contagious and is one of the best qualities teachers and students can embody. My expectation of Smith, like KatrinaG910 said, is to get to know the different learning habits, strengths, and weaknesses that each student has and to one on one discuss how a student can make one of their weaknesses a little bit stronger if not a strength. I expect myself to become better at communicating with others whether it be through public speaking or writing essays. Lastly, I expect the class to be accepting of others around them and also open minded to whatever we have in store for us this year.

  11. Good qualities for teacher:
    -Very active with the class rather than handing out papers
    -Constantly checking up with the students academic
    -Always positive
    Good qualities for Class:
    -Giving the announcer their full attention
    -Having a good conversation about a topic and basing their comments on other peers to keep the discussion alive.
    -If one of the class mate is having a tuff time, other students are willing to take time out of their hands to help their peers.
    Good qualities for myself:
    -Hearing others peers idea first and actually listening to them.
    -Try not to be timid
    -I often shy down from having a in class discussion

  12. Good Qualities for teachers:

    Very active, gets the class engaged in what they’re doing.
    Fun but making sure we get things done

    Good Qualities of Students:

    Staying engaged in whatever the class is doing.
    Asks questions

    Good Qualities for a Class:

    Asks Questions

    I expect myself to try my hardest to succeed in this class. By participating and asking questions, doing all my work and having fun learning while in this class. I also expect myself to get an A.I expect Smith to teach us a lot and get us ready for college and beyond. I expect this class to be engaged, caring and respectful just like a family towards one another.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Good teachers are understanding of the different rates and ways people learn, and do there best to accommodate the needs of every student. Good students are attentive in class and do not disrupt the teacher or other students ability to learn. Good students ask pertinent questions and always try to further their understanding. Good classes need a combination of a good teacher and good students.The most important thing good classes have is respect. The teacher respects the students and is not condescending, and the students respect the teacher and are not sabotaging the class. If both the teacher and the students respect each other, the class will be much more enjoyable.

  14. Good Qualities for a Teacher:

    Good Qualities for Students:
    Be Involved

    Good Qualities of a Class:

    I expect myself to participate often and try my hardest. I want to do well in this class and make the most of my last high school classes. I expect Mrs. Smith to prepare me for college. I ask for our class to be everything I said above.

  15. Qualities of a teacher
    -Keeps the class engaged
    -Caring and helps you if you are struggling

    Qualities of a good student
    -Good work ethic
    -Goes in for help when needed

    Qualities for a class
    -Ask questions
    -Don't talk while teacher is talking

    -Work Hard
    -Get an A

    -Caring and Understanding
    -Helpful(Constructive criticism)

    -Be engaged

  16. Qualities of a good teacher:
    -Keeps focus
    -Conveys a message

    Qualities of a good student:
    -Completes work on time
    -Tries hard

    Qualities of a good class:
    -Respects the teacher
    -Respects each other

    -Get ready for college
    -Get an A in the class
    -Learn something about English literature

    Mrs. Smith:
    -Help me prepare for college
    -Help keep me engaged in class

  17. Some qualities that good teachers embody is listening to their students and also teaching them values and lessons through the topics they are teaching. Teachers need to be able to listen to the students and understand that they have a lot of work rather than just this one class. But a good student also needs to respect the teacher and complete their work on time. Just like the student has a lot of work a teacher has maybe three or four classes to teach. Student also need to be able to comprehend the lessons that are being taught because then it is a huge waste of time for both the teacher and the student. A good class has to embody the characteristics of support and respect. A good class needs to respect both the teacher as well as their fellow classmates. They also need to support each other. Rather than shoot ideas down, encourage students and help them. Some expectations I have of myself would be to get an A in the class. Some expectations I have of Mrs. Smith would be to get the class engaged in our novels and have everyone comprehend them to the fullest.

  18. A good teacher must embody a few qualities. A teacher must be able to effectively control their class, but must also be open to criticism and others opinions. Like others have said it's important for the teacher to be able to listen to a student. However, that is a two way door, as it is also quite important for a student to listen to a teacher. There needs to be a respectful relationship between the two regardless if either of the two like each other. It's important for the teacher to tailor lessons to their class appropriately and for the class to speak up with any questions or concerns. An expectation I have of myself in the class is to try my hardest no matter how tiring it may be. An expectation I have of Mrs. Smith is to make learning fun and interactive because no one likes being lectured at.

  19. Good Teacher:
    - understanding that students engage in other activities outside of class
    - to be able to have a healthy student and teacher relationship
    - to be able to provide information in a interesting way

    Good Student:
    - complete work throughly and on time
    - have the understanding that the teacher has other commitments/classes
    - to be able to have a positive attitude in class

    Good Class:
    - to be able to work together
    - to be able to keep to the task at hand
    - to be able to have fun and know when to be serious

    Expectations for Myself:
    - to focus and get the work done
    - achieve the grade that I want
    - take something from the class

    Expectations for Mrs. Smith:
    - to be funny and light hearted
    - to make lessons/learning fun
    - to be understanding

    Expectations for the Class:
    - to be fun
    - to be able to get along
    - to be able to get work done

  20. Being a Good Teacher:
    -Being able to adjust to different styles of learning for the good of the students
    -Pacing the class appropriately so that we don't move too fast/slow.
    -Maintaining healthy relationships with the student to avoid any negativity, which creates a positive learning environment.

    Being a Good student
    -Being present whenever possible, prepared with the right materials.
    -Paying attention when in-class and not being a distraction to others
    -Gives an honest attempt to complete all work

    -Getting an A, both semesters
    -Trying to stay off my phone
    -Staying on track with reading

    Expectations for Mrs. Smith
    -Willing to give some time to help students individually
    -Trying to make lessons not stale and boring
    -Be accommodating to students busy schedules.

    Class Expectations
    -Being inclusive and fun
    -Drama stays outside of class

  21. I think good qualities that Mrs. Smith, myself, and the class hopefully share include patience, because not everyone will be learning at the same pace and it is ok to help out the people who need more time. Also, an attitude for excellence, if everyone in the class is willing to put down their phones, focus on the task, and actually care about the class, then the class will move much smoother. We will also be able to cover more material if everyone is focused. My expectations for Mrs. Smith include that she is always willing to help us improve our writing in and outside of class, and that she attempt to make lessons more fun or at least find a way to relate the lessons to things that are easier for us to grasp. My expectations for myself are simple, I want to learn something from this class that I can hopefully use in the future, also I expect to achieve whatever grade I set my mind to. Finally my expectations for the class are to be able to get along during class, this includes not having cliques. I expect everyone to be comfortable talking or reaching out to anyone in the class.

  22. Qualities of a teacher
    - Creative
    -Keeps the class engaged

    Qualities of a good student
    -Work hard
    -Does what is asked of them

    Qualities for a class
    - Stay focused
    - Work hard

    -Work Hard

    Mrs. Smith
    - Interesting
    - Understanding
    - Engage with students

    - Stay involved
    - Stay focused
    - Work hard

  23. Good qualities for teachers to have are to be understanding and helpful to the students. To have good qualities for a student are to be hard working, pay attention to what is going in class, and asking for help when needed. Qualities for the class is to work together, stay focused and help each other. For myself I need to work hard, turn in assignments on time, and stay engaged. For Mrs.Smith is to be open to new ideas, to be understanding, and to keep class interesting. The class should stay involved with each other and the topics and conversations, and help one another out.

  24. I definitely agree with the ideas already stated. I think attitude, respect, passion, communication, participation, and care are all important elements of a great learning environment. I think it’s important for students to give their best effort and to be open-minded to others around them. In an English class I also think it is very important for students to be good listeners, because there are many different ideas and opinions that are shared throughout the year. Also attitude can make a class both enjoyable and terrible. Positivity is important because it creates an atmosphere of trust and that can carry over into many other attributes such as respect, participation, and confidence. As many others have stated, it’s important for teachers to understand their students, have enthusiasm for their class, and have patience. I also think it’s important for teachers to be organized and have high expectations for their students. This gives students confidence especially when someone is able to grow and find an area of passion that haven’t before. In general I expect this class to help me grow in my writing and reading comprehension. I also want to increase my vocabulary and gain confidence in my writing and ideas.

  25. I think a good quality that a teacher can have is being understanding and having a good relationship with the students. When teachers can relate and understand the students in any situation (good or bad) that may come up, it makes it a better environment both for the teacher and student. For students, I think some good qualities are to be organized, and open minded. As students being organized will make being in class, and homework a lot easier, and being open minded allows us to take new opportunities and it can help when talking to a teacher and another classmate. For classes, I think a class that is willing to participate is a good quality, it makes learning more fun for everyone and it opens doors for help if needed, both with the teacher and other students. I think I'm going to enjoy this class, I want to learn a lot of new things, improve my writing, all while enjoying the class

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  27. Good Teacher:
    -High Energy
    -Adapts to each student

    Good Student:
    -Wants to achieve
    -Does more than what is asked
    -Communicates with their teacher/classmates

    Good Class:
    -Respectful towards classmates
    -Everyone participating
    -Staying focused during class

    My expectations for myself this year is to grow in all aspects of English, and to work harder than I did in previous years. I expect Mrs.Smith to help me reach my goals, and to more specifically help me write a great college essay. My expectations for this class is to create an environment that I like being in, and that I am excited to be a part of. I really want this to be a class that I look forward to, and that I thoroughly enjoy. After reading other students comments I do believe that this class will exceed my expectations.

  28. Some good qualities a teacher may possess are patience, understanding, and Great focus. Qualities that a good student would possess would be patience, independence, self discipline, and responsibility. Some good qualities of a class would be orderly, quiet, and engaged. In English Literature I expect that I will do what work I am asked to do and try to learn whatever I can. I expect that the teacher can communicate what is to be taught clearly and with no trouble. My expectations for this class are to learn about the men and women who revolutionized literature specifically in England.

  29. Respect, communication, and fun are good qualities for students, teachers, and classes to share. Respect makes sure what each person has to say is heard, then communication sees that their idea comes across effectively. Fun is important to have to keep creativity and excitement active in the classroom, and keep the students and their teacher engaged in the learning process. I expect this class to be one where I can hold myself accountable to grow and learn, not only about literature but also about life and society. My goals are to improve my time management with assignments so that I can complete them to the best of my ability. I am excited to be in this class this year, it seems like it will be fun and interactive, and I am looking forward to gaining new perspectives and ideas.

    1. I love the fact how you used communication in your response! I didn't even think of that and looking back on my best classes so far at Arapahoe, communication has been key. There are always things that maybe your teacher or classmates don't see or recognize and its important to communicate with them. I love when people share out and it makes the whole class go into a creative flow and, like you said, it keeps the students engaged and active when there are new ideas thrown out.

  30. Good teachers call on lots of students and make learning fun and interesting with unique and different styles of teaching. Students should be responsible, respectful, and participate frequently. Classes should be united and stronger together than only individuals, making an environment that encourages learning. My expectations are that I get an A, my writing improves, and I learn a lot from this class. I expect Ms. Smith to be fair in homework amounts and clear with what is assigned. I am not sure what to expect from this class but I would mainly like to be prepared for college.

  31. A teacher must be understanding and know that not everyone learns in the same way. Teachers also should know that a unique and enjoyable class will generally benefit students more than a boring, standard class. A class with excessive homework is almost never enjoyable. Students are to be respectful and willing to learn. I expect myself to do well here. While English has never been my favorite subject, I have become decent at it, and can enjoy it at times. I expect this class to be a good learning experience, and a tool to further improve my writing skills, particularly in preparation for a collage essay.

  32. A good teacher is fun and engaging with the students and tries to make learning an enjoyable experience. Their goal should be to help students learn and grow as much as possible each year. Students should be respectful of their peers and take pride in their work. They also show up to class on time and prepared so they don't slow down the rest of the class. Good classes should be fun and enjoyable but when it comes time to work they should be focused. Everyone should try and contribute to conversations so that no ones voice is left out. The expectations for myself are to do my best on every assignment and to do my part in making this year a good one. Mrs. Smith should be understanding and engage with the class. She should also be willing to help outside of the classroom when need be. I think that this class is going to be an enjoyable one and I am looking forward to all the experiences to be had in the year to come.

  33. I think that the qualities of good teachers, students and classes all depends on their willingness to participate and the drive to learn and grow. I believe that classes that are relatable are much more enjoyable; I want to do well in the classes that I enjoy. Teachers should be understanding but students shouldn’t take advantage of that kindness. I expect that this class will broaden my knowledge of literature, and that Smith will make the class very enjoyable. I also expect that I will do well in this class since I do enjoy reading and writing.

  34. Good teachers, students, and a class embody are being able to communicate, understand, and listen to one another. Good teacher qualities would be patient, understanding, helpful to the students, and being a good resource. A good student would be interactive and engaged in class. A good quality a class could have would be understanding of the teacher and of each other while interacting with one another during class. I expect myself to write more and get a good grade in this class. I would expect Mrs. Smith to be helpful during and out of class with the homework. I don't know what I expect from this class.

  35. Good teachers should be understanding as well as energetic and willing to take suggestions from students. A good student should want to learn as well as be prepared for class and excited to be there. A good class should have a friendly environment and be respectful towards classmates and teachers. I expect that this class will help me a lot with my writing since i am not as good at it as I want to be. I think that Mrs. Smith will be very understanding and helpful throughout the year. and I think that this class will be fun and enjoyable as well as challenging and engaging.

  36. Some qualities of a good teacher are being understanding, creative, friendly, fun, outgoing, smart and great communication skills. Students should be hardworking, outgoing, easy going, friendly, fun and respectful. A good class is fun, caring, respectful, team oriented, hardworking and creative. Expectations I have for myself are being open and willing to try new things to get me to my next level of learning. I also expect myself to put turn in my best work on time! The expectations I have for Mrs. Smith is to be understanding and flexible when things happen, push me to be my best, and lastly help me when I’m totally lost. The class expectations I have are to work as a team and have fun but take our work very seriously. We need to help each other be our best.

  37. Good teacher:
    -Nice and understanding
    -Keeps up with their work
    -Has reasonable grading
    Good Student:
    -finishes and turns in assignments on time
    Good Class:
    -Able to work in groups
    -Has fun and shares laughter
    -Respectful to the teacher

    My expectations for my self is that I stay up on my work and try my best on every assignment. I expect myself to finish with a B or A. My expectations for Smith is nothing because she is a great teacher and has good and reasonable grading techniques. My expectations for the class is that we all get alone and have a good year together.

  38. I think good teachers are understanding, engaging with each individual student and not just the class, passionate about what they are teaching, and know that their class isn't the only class their students are taking so they are considerate of the work load given. Good students are on time, they participate and they have good mindset about school. A good class has students and teachers engaging in what they are learning about, there are class discussions, and everyone is respectful of others opinions. I expect to grow as a writer and reader and stay on top of everything I need to get done. I don't know what to expect for the up coming school year or of Mrs. Smith.

  39. I want to be comfortable with my teacher. Teachers are responsible for the student's learning, but they should also focus on keeping a good relationship. A good teacher is understanding and passionate about what they do. They are willing to help students and is fair with their work and grading. Good students are responsible and polite. they should complete all assigned work and be respectful to the teacher and other students. A good class is one that works together and develops and learns together. Collaboration and communication are key.

    I expect myself to continue to work hard and complete all assignments and I really want to focus on preparing myself for college. I want to get an A both semesters and I look to improve on my writing skills. I also expect to have fun in this class. For Smith, my expectations are for her to be a fun and caring teacher. I want someone who teaches with passion and purpose, not just for the sake of curriculum standards. I expect the class to be responsible and respectful to themselves and the teacher.

  40. I think some of the best qualities teachers possess is having an open mind. Teachers tend to be wonderful human beings who are interested in others and I believe that if a teacher does not have an open mind about each student and how they learn and stay engaged, then the class won’t be enjoyable. Not only is it important for a teacher to be ok with differences, but also students. Students should respect the way others learn and also respect the teacher and appreciate how they tend to teach. If you go into a class telling yourself that there is only one teacher right for you or only certain things you like about certain classes, then the year won’t be a good one. Everyone needs to embody an open mind and a positive attitude.

    My expectations of myself are very high because I enjoy writing and reading. I want to prove to myself that I am talented and have the ability to work hard for my future and for the now. For Smith and the rest of the class, I am having the expectation of becoming close as a whole. I feel that literature classes always have that extra bond because of the conversations held in class. I am so excited to see what the year holds!

  41. I feel that the best quality a teacher, a student, and a class share is comprehension. If a teacher isn't on board with what the kids are doing and thinking then nobody will benefit from the situation and vice versa. Another quality a teacher, a student, and a class need to share is patience. A student won't be able to learn if the teacher is not patient with the student and a teacher won't be able to teach anything if the students aren't patient with the teacher. We all need to be cooperative to benefit from each other. I expect Mrs Smith to be a fun, creative, and hardworking teacher. I expect her to come up with creative ideas to help us better understand English Literature. For her to do this though, the class and myself need to be understanding, quiet, hardworking, and participating in class.

  42. I think good qualities in teachers would be respect and patience for the students and understanding that a student can have a difficult time comprehending something and to have patience and respect for the student in taking their time to understand what they are learning. For a student and class, I think patience and respect is also an important quality for them to have as well, not just a teacher because everyone struggles with trying to get out of their comfort zone and being more open-minded in the class, so I think patience with one another goes a long way with everyone and helps people feel more confident in what they are learning in a classroom. Also respect shows people being comfortable with one another and being able to be themselves in the classroom and able to talk and share their opinions on things.

    I expect for myself to try hard in class by asking questions and being able to share my opinions if I agree or disagree on a discussion that the class is having. I expect from Smith to prepare me for college and I expect the class to help me be open-minded on all of our opinions and recognize that people have different outlooks on what we are discussing about in class.

  43. The basic qualities of a good teacher are empathy and a desire to share knowledge - these two qualities alone allow for a good student or a good class to shine. A good student is one who is usually engaged in class, appreciates the value of the material being taught, and does not disrespect the teacher (i.e. tardies, late work). A good class is one with good teachers and good students who feel comfortable in their learning environment and can effectively cover material.

    I expect myself to do my best this semester through contributions to the class and giving all of my work 110% of my effort. My expectations from Smith would be to help the class fully grasp the importance and value of the books we're reading.

  44. Eion Tyacke (I don't know how to change my ID)

    Good teachers are those who possess the ability to make the topic that they are interested in become the one that their students are interested in, by engaging their class in group activities and being "relatable," everyone is human after all, a class can connect more with the teacher, making them fun and therefore good. Good students are those who pay attention and cooperate with the teacher's demands by tending to their every whim whilst simultaneously being able to think on their own. A good class is made by the combination of said good teacher and student, together, anything is possible. As for myself, I expect that I will try my hardest to acquire the almighty "A." English, I admit, is my weakest subject and I sincerely despise it. However, I will demonstrate my will power, by forcing myself to dredge through another year of my nemesis in order to achieve my goal of a good GPA.

  45. Good teachers possess the ability to help the class and teach in a good manner to make a strong learning environment for everybody. A class that is engaged and paying attention will have success in this classroom. Good students embody focus and stay on task. Also they will be responsible and complete all the homework on time with there best effort. They will respect the other students in the class and the teacher. The teacher needs to make sure to be diligent, thoughtful and helpful to the students in their class. I enjoy the classes at Arapahoe where I can ask questions, get help on a problem I'm stuck on and have a strong discussion. I love to have a good combination of both so I can accomplish my goals for the class.
    I plan on doing all the reading and writing at my best effort so I can be my best form of a student this semester. I want to have a teacher willing to help me achieve my goals for the class.

  46. Qualities of the teacher
    -Fun to listen to
    -Fun and engaging way of learning

    Qualities of a good student
    -Gets work done on time
    -Listens at all times
    -Goes in for help when needed

    Qualities for a class
    -Always asks questions when confused
    -Don't talk while teacher is talking
    -Put 100% effort in everything

    - Pay attention
    - Engage
    - Get an A


    -Listen when Smith talks
    -Help one another

  47. A good teacher is always ready to share knowledge to the students. The teacher is never afraid to step in when needed and is never afraid to try new ideas that might better learning. A good class is always composed of students and teacher that are ready to take on the days assignments. A good student is always on time for class with the needed material that is needed for the day. A good student is also someone who participates with the class and helps those around if they are struggling. I expect to grow in areas such writing and interpreting phrases as intended by the author.

  48. A good teacher puts their student's needs, whether it be academic, or emotional, ahead of their own. A good teacher is someone who is understanding and is always willing to help their student's grow through different aspects. A good class is always prepared to learn and not afraid to take on challenges and goals set for them. A good class respects their teacher's time, words, and ideas. A good student is one who is willing to help and work with others and respects their peers' time, words, and ideas. Over the course of this year I hope to grow in terms of being able to analyze novels and books and understand them from a bigger perspective. I would also like to work on being more confident with my ideas. I agree with many previous posts. There are many factors that can make a classroom setting successful.

  49. A good teacher genuinely cares about the students and wants the students to learn the material because they find value in it, not for the sole purpose of getting a grade. Teachers should also understand the students point of view and work with this and not against it. A good teacher is passionate about the subject they are teaching and creative in the ways that they go about teaching it. A good student is a person who actively listens and wants to learn how the taught material can help them in the world. A good class is that of which everyone can feel accepted and ideas can freely be presented without judgement.

    This year I expect to write a stellar college essay in the hope that I will get into the Leeds School of Business, and I expect to learn about different pieces of literature and to fine tune my writing skills. I expect smith to work with us to achieve our individual goals. I expect the class to be accepting and respectful in order to create a positive learning environment.

  50. A good class is a fun class. A class where you enjoy talking to the other students, and you don't have to try and avoid the teacher. The biggest thing for me that makes a teacher enjoyable, is not having multiple HW assignments that we have to complete at once. Good english teachers don't spend class period after class period lecturing, they let us talk and share our ideas with our peers in small groups. I expect this class to be fun, and I expect myself to do well in it.

  51. A teacher would embody qualities such as patience, understanding, interactive, and fun. A class would be respectful, listen, and hard working. A student would be honest, trustworthy, respectful, and creative.

  52. I believe that all three aspects have an important contribution to a productive classroom. It starts with the student who should be prepared, interested, and eager to learn. Students would have no idea what to do if it weren't for a teacher who is, passionate, compassionate, relatable, and can really connect with his/her students. Together these make a class that is a mixture of all these great qualities shown by the people making up a class. When you have a class that is prepared and eager to learn, it's going to be very productive.

  53. In order for a class to function properly and embody what true learning is, teachers and students must have an equal amount of respect for each other. Students should always feel comfortable asking questions. My expectations for this class include getting out of it everything i possible can. I love writing and am looking forward to a new perspective from a teacher i have never taken before. I expect ro have fun, build community, and learn something new everyday.

  54. To make this class fun and fulfilling I think that the teacher needs to be fun, outgoing and understanding. While the students need to be up to the task, do their homework and be understanding of the teacher as well. As the whole class we need to listen to the teacher, and have fun.
